
Сообщения за февраль, 2019

module 6

They are many different discoveries for example: This text about: millions of people around the world use mobile phones. When we call, the signal goes to the base station and from there to another person. There is a base station in every city. A certain number of calls can be transmitted to the base station. When many people call, some of the calls may not be transmitted but this happens very rarely. This text about: boy, who is in Perth,Australia. He has already taken a ferry ride to see the city skyline and he swum with dolphins. The second text about girl, who is in Egypt. She has ridden a camel yet. And she was in the desert with the Pyramids. The third text about boy, who is in Secily, Italy. He cycled around the island. He has seen ancient ruins and has gone swimming on a beautiful beaches. He has also climbed up Monta Etna. This text about Social Etiquette.If you have never travelled abroad you may not know that what is polite in one country could be very rude in another!Her...